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St Josephs Tyrella

News - Class Zone/Class Zone P6/7

2023/2024 School Year

26th Mar 2024
This morning we had a lovely surprise visit from Jessica's new dog who called to...
22nd Mar 2024
We are thrilled to share that as part of our Lenten campaign, Mrs. Connor's class...
12th Mar 2024
What an amazing day we have had ! Megan & James’ parents visited the school...
7th Mar 2024
Today, KS2 celebrated World Book Day with an exciting book quiz! Mr. McVeigh led...
6th Mar 2024
Today, our talented P6 and P7 students had their final dance lesson with Newcastle...
29th Feb 2024
Today in Mr McVeigh's class, we had a fantastic time creating animations and video...
29th Feb 2024
This week, the Holy Spirit filled our hearts as our P7 students received the sacrament...
27th Feb 2024
Next Thursday we will celebrate World Book day !!! More information to follow ....
25th Feb 2024
Please see attached information regarding a parent online workshop for your attention.