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St Josephs Tyrella

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20th Dec 2024
The children in KS1 getting into the Christmas spirit. Lots of fun had making different...
20th Dec 2024
Mrs Warnock and Miss Steele's junior afterschool children had lots of fun yesterday...
19th Dec 2024
Today was a truly magical day at our school! We had the honour of hosting a very...



St.Joseph's Playground Buddies

Our Buddy system in school is Back !!!!! .

The following procedures are in place......

Playground Buddies are P6/7 pupils who help the playtime supervisors to make playtimes a happy time for children in the playground.

Children interested in becoming Playground Buddies in P6/7 complete a job application at the beginning of each year, explaining why they would like to be a Playground Buddy and why they think they would be good at the job. Selected pupils are given training before working in the junior playground alongside the playground supervising adults. They show a very good example to the younger pupils as they become role models. 

A rota is drawn up so all buddies are on duty for one playtime and one lunchtime play per week.

The role of Playground Buddies involves:

  • helping children find new friends
  • making children feel comfortable and welcome
  • including children who are lonely and helping them to play games
  • giving support to children to find solutions to a problem
  • being fair and not taking sides
  • helping children if they fall over and comforting them
  • helping children to find something if they've lost it in the playground
  • teaching new games
  • asking the lunchtime supervisors if they are unsure of what to do in a situation
  • helping  to put away playtime equipment