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St Josephs Tyrella

St. Joseph's PTA

Parents Support Group Newsletter

Group Members
  • Charlene Redmond
  • Rozalind Stewart
  • Carlos  Abitia
  • Martha Lowry
  • Aine Lennon


We are always keen to recruit new members to the group. Please let the school know if you can join and help by giving up a little of your time. 



Our main objective in the past few years has been to assist the school in raising enough to fund the installation of new interactive whiteboards for each classroom. These are estimated to come at the cost of approximately £3000 each, this is a huge task, and we are delighted that all our classes now have new boards installed.

We are always trying to source new funding avenues to help meet the challenges facing all schools at the moment regarding finance. Additional funding makes a difference in what we can achieve and provide for our pupils. If any parents or guardians are aware of any funding sources we might not know of please do contact us to let us know.  

This year, we are raising funds for new iPads to replace a number of iPads which are now out of service. Please support the events organised throughout the year so we can raise as much money as possible.



Thanks and Acknowledgment:

Many thanks to everyone who has supported our PA, including the following:

  • All the parents, families and the children at St. Joseph’s PS.
  • Mr McVeigh (School Principal), Ms Mageean (School Secretary) and all the staff at St. Joseph’s PS for all their help and support throughout the past year.
  • Our committee members and volunteers for all their hard work and personal donations to the Halloween and Christmas raffles.
  • All of the numerous individuals and local businesses who kindly supported our various fundraisers, including providing excellent raffle prizes.
  • Mr Sean Magorrian from our local VIVO
  • Cn. Fleck and Ballykinlar Parish







1st Feb 2023
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23rd Sep 2022
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