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St Josephs Tyrella


2017/2018 School Year

25th May 2018
In P1 and P2 we are learning about castles. We enjoyed learning about different...
25th May 2018
The NSPCC volunteers Carmel and Micheal visited school to deliver an assembly on...
25th May 2018
There’s an old Ballykinklar saying…. ”Strike while the Iron is...
25th May 2018
On Saturday the primary 4 class made their first Holy Communion. It was a sunny...
25th May 2018
On Monday Mrs McKeating very kindly gave up her time to come into school to teach...
21st May 2018
Wednesday 15 th May 2018. This week, in primary 6, we have been looking at some...
16th May 2018
Congratulations to the boys and girls in Primary 7 who made their Confirmation on...
15th May 2018
Day One We've had a very busy day orienteering and climbing in the quarry....
8th May 2018
P2/3 children have enjoyed learning about Spring and planting in the school garden.
8th May 2018
P6/7 enjoyed an ICT lesson with our Partners from NPS. We use the Book Creator app...