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Number time
Wed 17th June 2020
Hi guys!!!
What a wet day... that means you can do lots of work for me today!
Go to BBC bitesize and log into maths lesson 16th June ...its all about Doubles.
You will enjoy this activity, use items in your house like cutlery, toys, cubes etc to do it practically first, then record it in your book. After this I want you to go to Oxford Owl or www.online.raintree.co.uk
username:UK freeaccess password: engage
…...lots of fun with reading and make sure you do at least 20-30 minutes.
Don't forget your spellings and keep working through 'Grow in Love' Term 3.
Thank you
Mrs Boyd xxx
St Joseph's Primary School, 24 Tyrella Road, Downpatrick, County Down, BT30 8DF | T:028 44851600