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St Josephs Tyrella

Home Learning

Mon 11th May 2020

Good morning P3!! Happy Monday to you all!!! Hope you had a great weekend and are ready for a busy week ahead. This week we are continuing with our "Pets" topic. Go to Newsdesk and click on Junior Newsdesk , Click Newsbank , Click Pets on the left hand menu, Scroll down the articles until you find " Pet Parties" . Now read the article and watch the videos. I want you then to answer the following questions in your book and draw a pet party picture.....

Which 3 birthdays are especially important?

What kind of birthday cake do you like best?

What did the "Cool Dudes" wear to their party?

Which pet party do you think you would go to?

What age is Clara?

What birthday gifts did she get?

Can you add a comment to the article on Newsdesk please. Enjoy!!!


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