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St Josephs Tyrella

Home Learning

Mon 6th April 2020

Hi P3!!!

Hope you had a lovely weekend!

If you have been on this page early this morning , you will have spotted that Mr Mc Veigh accidentally put his P4/5 task on our page !!! Please ignore!!!

Your additional task for today and tomorrow is to write a Easter story . It needs to have 2 characters , perhaps an Easter Bunny and another character. Remember to have 3 sections : the beginning where you tell me where the story is taking place ( setting) and describe the characters using adjectives , the middle of the story where something interesting happens , and the end of the story where the problem gets solved .

Either type it on your PC and email to me or write it into your new writing book and draw a picture. You can then get mum to take a picture of your work and email it to me. Can't wait to read your fantastic stories! Have fun and make sure you get outside in the sun.

Big hugs & Kisses

Mrs Mc Mullan


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