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St Josephs Tyrella

Home Learning

Fri 22nd May 2020

Hi Boys and Girls !!

Happy Friday ! Today we are continuing with our pets topic as we " Meet the wee Critters!". Go to Newsdesk , Junior Newdesk , Scroll down and you will see the link. There are fun videos , photos and worksheets to do. Don't worry if you can't print off the sheets , just write down the questions on screen and answer them. Please make a comment at the end and give it a like if you enjoyed the lesson.

Also today I want you to practice counting in 2s to remember the 2s times tables . You have a times tables booklet in your learning pack I sent home. If you haven't started it yet then do the 2s times table section . If you have that done then I've included a booklet below to give you more practice.

Remember to do a spelling check up today and reading.

Have a good day!

Mrs McM xx

2325-2-times-table-to-12.pdf Download


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