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St Josephs Tyrella

Home Learning

Fri 20th March 2020

Hello Primary 4 and 5

I hope you have received your special home learning pack. There are a lot of worksheets in it but don’t panic if you find them hard to complete. Over the next few weeks work with your mum and dads. Be kind to your mum and dads and give them plenty of help around the house. I will be posting you fun videos over the next few weeks and giving you ideas and support.


Your parents have my email address so I would love if you could send me an email about what things you are up to over the next few weeks. Remember you can do loads of amazing things at home that you have be learning about in school. You can make super stop animation projects, you can create amazing pieces of art. If you share any of these , I will try to put them on the website to show the amazing work you are doing.

Take care, and let’s share our good work.

Mr mc Veigh.


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