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St Josephs Tyrella

September - P2/P3

People Who help us

Welcome back to our lovely class .

This month our topic is all about 'People who help us'.We will have a Post Office, hospital, dressing up corner with emergency personnel- Fireman, police, ambulance, doctor and nurse outfits for all. The children will be having a special visit from the local Police and even hopefully have a look at their special Police car with flashing lights.


The children will be investigating  measures, length, width and height. They will compare length and height. talk about language related to size. Also count equipment /envelopes and stamps. They will develop money skills in role play areas such as coffee shop in hospital.


We will build topic vocabulary, Talk about play and things they have made. Also ask and answer questions related to topic. Enjoy topic books and stories. Experiment with writing about visit from  the Police. make lists for hospital, appointments, orders in coffee shop.Distinguish between fiction and non-fiction books. Write about the different jobs people do in the community.


October - Clothes

This month in our classroom we are learning all about 'Clothes'.In our play we had a clothes shop selling all different types of clothes, we also used our money skills and focussed on giving change to the customer. The children designed handbags and made shoes in the Fashion centre. Also we learnt about Fair testing through the different types of material used for clothes. The children had such a creative flair in designing different items  and accessories.


They have been writing numbers up to 30. Also counting in 2's, 5's, and 10's. They can identify odd and even numbers. Lots of use of money and developing use of coins to 10p (P.2) and 20p (P.30. and giving change. In Topic maths they have been reading O'clock,& half-past in both digital and analogue representation. The children have been reading and ordering days of the week and months of the year.


Children have learnt the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts. Use of reading skills and phonics to decode new words. They  enjoyed reading and writing stories and working on the story of - The Elves and the Shoemaker and The Emperors  new clothes. Great handwriting skills were used, forming letters correctly and making correct spaces. 


November 'Our Village'

This month our topic is all about 'Our Village'.

We will look at what is in the village, identify different people in the village and learn about how to appreciate Village life. Children will learn about the importance of community life and also identify dangers to watch out for in the village. In role play we will set up a shop and a chinese, and coffee shop. we will use art and craft skills to make models of the different buildings in the Village for e.g Sean's Shop; The petrol station; play park; the Chapel and our houses too.   


We will develop the use of money in role play area in Sean's Village Shop. We will use measuring skills in constructing our different buildings eg language of size, shape . We will use Bee Bot tasks using the correct directional/ numerical language.


We will enjoy 'Village story book corner'. We will write about Our Village in the writing corner /table. Lots of stories about life in the village. Also learn about different types and sizes of Villages around the area.


December - Christmas

We love Christmas!! Its dressing up time in our Christmas grotto again with Santa's little helpers, wrapping presents, writing cards and labels etc. We will be making decorations, angels, trees, stockings and also decorations for the Christmas tree in the Chapel. We will learn about Christmas across the world and how it is celebrated. We love listening to our favourite Christmas stories every day. We will sort presents / toys/ for shape/ size/colour /weight. 

We will be very busy singing our hearts out as we prepare for the Christmas nativity 'Rock around the flock'. It is going to be a very exciting time in our classroom as we count down the days until Santa arrives.

Happy Christmas everyone from Mrs Boyd and a lot of very excited children !!   


January - Winter Animals

 This month our topic was all about Wintertime and Winter animals. We have learnt all about animals living in cold lands and how they survive. Children gained a knowledge of caring for animals in Winter and also about their habitats. We painted lots of different winter animals and learnt facts about penguins. We created winter animal paintings and designed winter scenes, created snowflakes and played imaginatively in the snow zone and dark den and learnt topic songs.

Numeracy  -In Money - sums to £1, change to 50p, shopping experiences. In data handling: We are learning about Venn/Carroll/bar graphs. In Shape: We have explored properties of 2D &3D shapes, shape building/pictures. We continue learning facts to 15, one more/less, odds/evens, 2/5/10s to 100, nos before/after/between.

Literacy - During our Literacy lessons we will be able to distinguish between fiction and non fiction books, continue to read and write for enjoyment. In Punctuation  we will develop  grammar - verbs speech marks, sentences, lists , report writing, handwriting skills using links with UICT.

Take a look at our busy time in discovering all about Winter animals.


February - Space

This month our P2/3's will be learning all about Space. This is a great topic as the children will find out all about the different planets , learn about astronauts and explore outer space. in role play we dress as astronauts and live in space tents . We will have great fun making and designing space ships, rocket ships and make the different planets and learn all the names of them. We will learn space language too (e.g Astroids, comets).

Literacy - We will learn to listen at story-time and re-tell significant parts of the story by sequencing events. In spellng and phonics we will learn to spell simple words accurately identifying sounds and relationships with letters. We will write stories about space adventures and instructions about how we designed our home projects on space. Also we are working with speech marks and how we use them in sentences and writing stories.

Numeracy - In Measures we will compare the weight of objects, measure objects using scales and estimate weight. In Shape we will use 3D shapes to create our space creations, also learning the names of pyramid and sphere. In data handling we will be able to talk about information from a bar graph and interpret information from a carroll graph. In  the Money topic we will investigate spending money in a shop role play.

Take a look on the website at our fantastic Space ship/rocket ship models. Thanks to Mums and Dads  for all your help in this project, very much appreciated.


March - Spring plants/Animals /Easter

We love this month and the topic all about Spring and new life in plants and animals. We will make a flower shop in role play with a coffee shop. we will make a lot of flowers out of different coloured tissue paper and a flower frieze. We will make symmetrical butterflies/ easter eggs. Lots of mathematical language will be used when counting sorting etc. The children will make 2D flower pictures, create spring scenes and make flowers out of playdough. We will learn all about planting seeds, plant cress, plant flowers in the outdoor flower beds. We will learn about baby animals born in Spring baby calves, lambs , chicks and make a little shed for these animals. We will use mathematical language within the context of Spring and develop problem solving skills. In Literacy we will continue to develop talking and listening skills and read lots of interesting books about Spring and New Life. Also our lovely P3's will celebrate the 'Sacrament of Reconciliation' with their families, the school community and Canon Fleck.


What are we learning in P3?


September 2022 :  " School's Cool "

Welcome to Mrs McMullan's P3s class!!!

We've hit the ground running with our first topic of the new school year. Our school really is cool!! 

This month we are investigating life at St Joseph's . We will be starting off exploring our new classroom and designing our dream classroom. We will develop observation skills by finding out how our school is designed and making a 3D model of the building . We will learn about jobs in our school and have visits from staff members to talk about their roles. We will also learn about school long ago and how it has changed through the years. There will be lots of opportunities to develop creative skills through a designated art/craft zone. ICT will be integral to learning both through use of IPads and PCs as well as our Interactive whiteboard.

Our Literacy lessons will develop poetry writing skills about school and punctuation / grammar work as part of sentence writing skills. We will read lots of topic books and guided reading text which will include fiction and non-fiction genre.The children will also have lots of opportunities to express their thoughts and opinions through talking and listening sessions.

Numeracy lessons will focus on place value , number bonds , time and shape . There will be links to our topic through measure lessons.

Watch out for photos which we will post soon.

October 2022 " Our Senses"

This month we are learning about taste , touch , sound , sight , smell. We will be investigating the world around us and how we use our senses to understand our environment. We will take part in a range of tests to discover how good our senses are and what we can identify . We will use our school grounds to take part in outdoor learning lessons take note of sounds , sights and different textures we can touch around the grounds. 

Our Literacy lessons will focus on a different sense each week . We will write about our senses , learn facts about how our eyes , ears , tougue , nose and fingers allow us to become aware of senses, We will learn topic words and use them in the correct context. We will read alot of books about our senses.

Our activity based play sessions will be centred around our topic . We will have senses jigsaws , a feely centre , sound centre , music area, taste zone , dark tent, cut and stick sense area, senses ICT games , painting area and lots more fun activities.

We will use this opportunity to work on our data handling skills in relation to eye colour, favourite foods and favourite songs. 

Watch out for some great pics coming soon !!


November 2022"Light/Dark"

This month we have been learning how our world changes in the month of November. We have explored how the days are shorter and the nights are longer. We have read books about the dark such as "The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark" and learnt words with "ar" sound in them. We have also learnt how to build circuits to make light bulbs work and even included switches to our circuits. 

During Play sessions we experienced the dark in our Dark Den , we paint light sources and cut out sources of light, we read books both fiction and non-fiction on our topic, we built light sources and completed ICT tasks .


December 2022"Christmas"

This month has been exceptionally busy!!! We have transformed our classroom into a fun-filled Christmas delight! We have decorated the room with our Christmas tree, set up Santa's Workshop and put up lots of decorations around the room. We have made lots of Christmas crafts with our friends from Newcastle PS . We read Christmas stories and even wrote our own stories!! We loved our visit from Santa and the school Christmas Jumper Day. We completed lots of Christmas themed number tasks and Data Handling tasks. We used our ICT skills to create digital stories. This year we also had an alternative Christmas dinner which went down a treat!

The highlight of the month was our Christmas Show " Lights , Camel , Action" . What a great time we have had this month.


January 2023" Cold Land"

In January we will be learning all about countries and animals from cold countries. We will be focusing our learning on the country ICELAND . We will learn how the people live there in the winter , where it is on the map , what they do and eat in Iceland and the landscape of the country. We will study Polar Bears and Penguins , learning about their habitat , food , young , how they look.

At play sessions , we will create animations about cold lands, paint pictures , program our BeeBots , create a Cold Land reading area, complete animal jigsaws , naviagte through cold land ICT tasks.

The month will end with a trip to W5 in Belfast.

February 2023“Homes”

This month we are learning about our home. We will learn how houses are built , types of homes we live in , materials used to build a house, jobs when building a house. We will write stories in the style of “The 3 Little Pigs”. We will read lots of fact books about houses and homes and enjoy designing our own house. 
At play time we will create a house corner , jigsaw area , dough area to make food for the house, building zone , castle area, model house for small play and ice house games.

During numeracy hour each day we will build on our number skills to 99 , learn 1/4 past time, money to £1 , venn  diagrams and problem solving skills. 
Outdoor playtimes have changed to a Positive Playground sessions where we play with different children from all the classes . There are 10 play zones across all the play areas which we are loving. 
Please take a look at our photographs . 

February 2023"Homes"

This month we went " Through The Keyhole " !! We explored life at home and how our houses are designed and built. We amde 3D models of our houses and create a model street . We learnt about all the materials which are used to build a house and investigated waterproof materials. We set up a table filled with materials builders use everyday. We wrote factual accounts about our homes and build houses with construction toys. We used ICT software to create digital work and learnt about different types of houses both here and in the wider world.

We read both factual and fiction books about homes in a cosy house corner we set up . Many topic play areas were created around the room to enhance our learning. 


March / April 2023" Minibeasts"

The topic of Minibeasts has proved to be a real winner in P3. The children were loved exploring the world of minibeasts and learning how they live. We had a minibeast hunt within the school grounds and found lots of creatures in the Bug Hotel !!

We made our own minibeasts in the " Creepy Craft Corner" and completed jigsaws of bees , butterflies , ants etc.. We played minibeast ICT games and programmed our BeeBot robot to move around our minibeast mat. We read lots of topic books and created wonderful displays .

We learnt about symmetry through looking closely at butterfies and making butterflies which showed perfect symmetry. We also learnt about Venn and Carroll diagrams through our topic.

May 2023 "Pirates"

This month we are learning about the life of a pirate. We have set up lots of topic zones in our classroom including : a pirate den , a pirate puzzle area , pirate book zone , pirate jigsaw area , pirate craft area, pirate building table, pirate writing / drawing table and lots more.

We are going on a pirate treasure hunt and will learn how real pirates lived long ago. We are learning pirate phrases and writing a pirate poem. We will read lots of pirate books and write about pirates.

Check out our photo gallery for more.

June “Summer Holidays”

This month we are travelling around the world to discover the best holiday locations! We will be finding out what we need to pack in our suitcase, how to get there, what we can do on holiday and lots more. We have set up a Travel Agents in our classroom and a holiday tent to play in. We are painting summer seaside pictures and making digital art creations. 
In daily Literacy sessions we are writing about holidays , creating poems , postcards and learning topic vocabulary. We are reading lots of summer books in our reading zone and taking time to include all the grammar /punctuation skills we have learnt this year.

Number lessons are filled with 2,5 and 10 times tables , money work to £1, Analogue & Digital time as well as revising 2D/3D shape.

Its a busy month to end P3! 

Class Links

Useful websites for home learning

Below is a list of useful websites that you can access from home to help your child. Find many more by following this link

Phonics play

PhonicsPlay is currently letting everyone sign on for free. Username: march20 password: home. Great to learn or revise sounds. 


Twinkl are also offering free access with the code CVDTWINKLHELPS. Twinkl offers resources for all subjects from P1-7.

Khan Academy
Especially good for maths and computing for all ages but other subjects at Secondary level. Note this uses the U.S. grade system but it's mostly common material.

BBC Learning
This site is old and no longer updated and yet there's so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.

Free to access 100s of courses, only pay to upgrade if you need a certificate in your name (own account from age 14+ but younger learners can use a parent account).

For those revising at GCSE or A level. Tons of free revision content. Paid access to higher level material.

Learn computer programming skills - fun and free.

Creative computer programming

Ted Ed
All sorts of engaging educational videos

National Geographic Kids
Activities and quizzes for younger kids.

Learn languages for free. Web or app.

Mystery Science
Free science lessons

The Kids Should See This
Wide range of cool educational videos

Crash Course
You Tube videos on many subjects

Crash Course Kids
As above for a younger audience

Crest Awards
Science awards you can complete from home.

iDEA Awards
Digital enterprise award scheme you can complete online.

Paw Print Badges
Free challenge packs and other downloads. Many activities can be completed indoors. Badges cost but are optional.

All kinds of making.

Prodigy Maths
Is in U.S. grades, but good for UK Primary age.

Cbeebies Radio
Listening activities for the younger ones.

Nature Detectives…/
A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location!

British Council
Resources for English language learning

Oxford Owl for Home
Lots of free resources for Primary age

Big History Project
Aimed at Secondary age. Multi disciplinary activities.

Geography Games
Geography gaming!

Blue Peter Badges
If you have a stamp and a nearby post box.

The Artful Parent
Good, free art activities

Red Ted Art
Easy arts and crafts for little ones

The Imagination Tree
Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest.

Toy Theater
Educational online games

DK Find Out…
Activities and quizzes

Welcome to Primary 3.  Keep up to date on what is happening in our classroom by reading our news articles and checking out the photos in the gallery.



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Class News

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