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St Josephs Tyrella

Spiritual Enrichment

The staff & pupils in each year group work hard in school and at home to ensure the continued development of religious education.

Pupils watch Mass live-streamed from Sacred Heart Catholic Church weekly and attend Mass in the Church of St. Patrick and St. Joseph every Friday. Canon Fleck visits our school and each class regularly.

At our school, we support children on their Catholic faith journey through the celebration of three important sacraments. In Primary 3, children are thoughtfully prepared for their First Reconciliation. For Primary 4 pupils, we use the 'Do This in Memory of Me' parish-based preparation programme to guide them towards their First Eucharist. By Primary 7, students are prepared to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, marking an important milestone in their spiritual development.

Each teacher has received a copy of ‘The Wonder of My Being’ and has been implementing the lessons and worksheets alongside their Grow In Love programme and PDMU.

All the teachers work together and celebrate with Joy the special events with the children and their families.




Sacraments in St. Joseph's

Our Religious Education Programme is based on the  Grow in Love Series. This programme prepares the children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation. Parents are invited to attend meetings in connection with these.

Our staff are aware of the spiritual needs of the children, and we make sure that their various needs and those of their parents are catered for. School assembly is held every day, with class assemblies held monthly.


Overview of Sacraments: First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation

First Reconciliation 
First Reconciliation, also known as Confession or Penance, is a sacrament of healing designed for children to experience God's forgiveness and peace. It typically marks one of the first major milestones in a young Catholic's faith journey. During this sacrament, children learn the importance of reflecting on their actions, seeking forgiveness, and making amends. It encourages personal responsibility and a deeper understanding of right and wrong, fostering a sense of compassion and empathy.

First Eucharist 
The First Eucharist, often referred to as First Holy Communion, is a momentous occasion for children as they receive the Eucharist for the first time. This sacrament signifies a young Catholic's full participation in the Mass, recognising the presence of Jesus in the bread and wine. It is a day of joy and celebration, symbolising spiritual nourishment and a closer relationship with God. Preparing for this sacrament involves religious education and personal reflection to deepen the child's understanding of its sacred meaning.

Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation, reinforcing and deepening the grace received at Baptism. It is seen as a coming-of-age ritual in the Catholic Church, where the child, now a young adult in faith, is strengthened by the Holy Spirit. It involves the laying on of hands and anointing with oil, signifying being chosen by God to actively live and witness the faith. This sacrament encourages young Catholics to take on greater responsibility within their church community and to commit more fully to their faith.

These sacraments form a vital part of spiritual education and growth for young Catholics, and our school is committed to guiding each child through these meaningful experiences with support and understanding.