Our Latest News
Mission Statement
We believe that each child will succeed through experiencing quality in:
- A strong Catholic ethos
- A broad, balanced, relevant and practical curriculum
- A strong, caring and effective pastoral care system
- An enriching programme of extra curricular activities and visits
- A rich varied and up to date range of learning resources
- Innovative teaching and an investigative approach to learning
- An ethos of support, challenge and encouragement to succeed
- Learning partnerships between school, home, Church and the community
We demonstrate our commitment by:
- Striving for continuous improvement and excellence in all that we do
- Ensuring effective communication between all members of the school community
- Providing for the pastoral and welfare needs of all
- Ensuring the development of all staff members
- Working collaboratively towards common goals

St Joseph's Primary School, 24 Tyrella Road, Downpatrick, County Down, BT30 8DF | T:028 44851600